Starting at: $420.00

Dysport can reduce:
Fine lines
Frown lines
Forehead lines
Crow’s feet around the eyes

*For reference, Dysport is dispensed at 3x the rate of Botox. If you normally receive 40 units of Botox, then you would need 120 units of Dysport.

•To treat the Forehead and Glabella we recommend around 105 units of Dysport (equivalent to 35 units of Botox)

•To treat the whole face (Forehead, Glabella, and Crow’s Feet) we recommend around 135 units of Dysport (equivalent to 45 units of Botox)

•If you are a male, or have strong movement in the Forehead, Glabella, or Crow’s feet area, we recommend around 165 units of Dysport (equivalent to 55 units of Botox)
All treatments require a consultation and full evaluation by Dr. Willis. If it is determined that you are not a suitable candidate for the selected procedure, the amount paid will be applied as a credit to be used on other services/products and will be reflected in your account. All service treatments will be redeemable until the end 2024. Any unused portion will convert to a dollar amount credit on your account that will not expire. All purchases are non-refundable.

All service treatments to be preformed in office at 15322 Manchester Road, Ellisville, MO 63011.
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